Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Hi everyone! It's way past time for some pictures and some beaded journal updates. I am behind, I do know that but I'm getting back on track and that is a good thing! I want to introduce you to three pages, can't remember which ones I've posted lately, I probably could have scrolled through to see but I'm posting anyway.

This is Amaterasu and she is all about Beauty and the Sun. She helps crops grow. The green is a rice paddy.
This is Damara and she guides and helps children. Can you see the baby's face? Click on it to make it bigger, and you might just see. And yes for all those who know how not fond of pick I am, I did use it - Damara called for it!

Pele is Divine Passion and hearts true desire. She is a volcano. Those are crystals at the top which made them hard to photograph.
I used my daughter's camera and I thought I could get better pictures but I don't actually know the settings very well so I think I'll either have to learn or I'll go back to the other camera.
Cheers, Denise